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How many people have you met in life that speak of their pets as children and are chastised for it? Oh, they say, “it’s only a cat, a dog, a horse, or even a rabbit.” Or some other tiny creature… But what do these people know? They know nothing; in fact, they are missing out on one of the greatest gifts of all, the unconditional love of an animal. Some appreciate the loyalty of a pet, and to others they are a member of their family. Me, I cannot call them a mere pet or a member of my family for they are far more. They are my angels and without them life would not be as heartfelt and colorful as it has been, continues to be and sadness would not be as bearable. Most of all, if not for the love and loyalty of my one special angel I would not even be here to tell their stories.

For these reasons, every time someone says to me they are just dogs. I snicker or I shed a tear. I pity the person who does not know, is unable to open their heart wide enough or because of circumstances beyond their control is unable to know the innocence and untainted love of a pet or animal and I have a small giggle to myself of how blessed I have been, to have the unconditional perplexing love of our little four-legged human beings as I like to call them, not once but three times.

Laugh, as you will, I don’t care, my angels, my girls, are all that I need to get me through this world. Open your heart, to an animal one day and see, the world is a much better place with the hilarious, stupendous love a furry four-legged friend can bring. The next time someone says to you “it’s only a cat, a dog, a horse or even a rabbit, or some other tiny creature” you can have a snicker, a giggle or shed a tear for that person that doesn’t realize the blessing of the gifts you have received from the love of a pet who became a part of your life and brought you through your years.

Each of my girls has brought to my life such a light and unequivocal happiness that I could write for days about each of them. Each is an Angel in her own right and each came to me through different circumstances. They all have their quirks, personalities, likes and dispositions but I love all of them more than anything and my world would not be complete without them. Laugh if you will, but I have numerous, amusing and amazing stories of why I could never call my girls, dogs. To be completely honest, my friends, take a look around, sometimes our four-legged friends are more human than we are.

Let’s be honest, people. When would an animal stab you in the back, hold a grudge, or kill for no reason? Animals, especially those that are domesticated, want to be loved, to please, and they don’t hold grudges; their love is basically unconditional. Yet sadly, some people brutalize these innocent creatures. Hopefully, someday everyone will see how unique and beautiful all animals are both domesticated and wild. They will see how loving they are and what a blessing they are. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, do not think of it as ownership but as a companionship and treat them as a member of your family.

For those of you who already are blessed with the love of a pet and understand how special that feeling is, never feel embarrassed by what people say because there are plenty of us out here. We probably outnumber those who have not been touched by the love of a pet (or are too stubborn or cool to admit it) and continue to spread the word no matter how goofy they think we are. “Animals have feelings too, and our pets are little people with their own personalities.”

As for me, they are everything to me.  They are My Angels, My Girls and these are their stories.

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